Wednesday, April 17, 2013

alright so today im going be talking about the next gen consoles which is the ps4:     and the supposedly to be called the "Xbox 720":   

 Sony came out in February saying that they are coming out with the ps4. they showed a couple of games for it and even showed us the controller. I personally think that the ps4 will rule the next gen world like it did this generation. even now people are still buying ps3. 

now for the Xbox 720 i think it sucks right now im hearing a lot of rumors about it, like saying how its always going to need an internet connection to work. if they actually do that then its really going to go down in the drains. i mean what if someone goes somewhere without internet connection and all they wanted to do was play an offline game, but oh well they cant do that because stupid Microsoft is making it always on internet connection. all of this kind of reminds me of simcity i bet Microsoft gaming industry will crumble.

1 comment:

  1. "so today im going be talking about" correct that.
